domingo, 1 de julio de 2012

Day # 31 -- Me as a Character

Indeed was a great assistance to read the blogs "Looking for More of Myself " from Heaven´s Journey to Life and "Stepping out of Character" from the Creations Heaven Journey. 
Through reading the Heaven´s Journey to Life I see myself in that - searching and seeking for more. 
I used to observe my life and I participated in those questions: "¡There´s has to be more than this!", ¡There has to be MORE!  and that´s why I participated in Metaphysics, Spirituality, Reiki, Kryon. I wanted to find out Why? I never understood/saw/realize that I was the Why!! I was the answer!! So, cool!

And the next blog about Characters was so cool - I faced myself and I am observing which characters I am performing to protect my ego -- Why I am still doing this?
And yes, I have been observing how the ego fears to not be validated and not being recognized as the mind. Fearing to be alone.

Today, in Mexico we are voting for a President and I have seen the comments on Facebook and I see the same ' pattern' --not realizing that we as individuals are responsible and not only a person - we have created that - as the Creations H. Journey to Life says - we have created God´s, beings and human beings that has to take care and resolve all our mess to wash our hands. 

Is what I realized in my yesterday´s blog - I am the a Creator and in that 'easyness' I create/manifest and the way I participate and define myself as the systems I can stand and change - cause it is 'easy' for me to think, to feel, to participate - and so abuse - and is seen as difficult for me to Stop and so Stand as Responsability. 
So, in that 'easyness' I can breath, and Stand and Change!!

I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to not realize/see/understand that in the very action, want and need to be validated by external situations and beings I am creating and being a character and so I am separating myself and abusing the life within me.

I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to not realize/see/understand that when I fear conflict and I fear others leave me alone because of who I am I am a character and not life - not a living being, but only a Mind C. System acting and performing itself continuosly until I stop and I realize that these is separation and abuse towards me and all that are here as one and equal to myself.

I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to create another personality to avoid being alone and so I can have other people around me, so to be something else than me to be accepted - I am a character that is not considering me as life in any way whatsoever.
I realize, see and understand that when I create something to be validated, to avoid something I am separating me from myself and so being dishonest and assisting and supporting the systems of abuse within and as this world - for the human being, nature and the animal kingdom.

I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to realize/see and understand that If I fear conflict between someone I consider as a 'friend' and me - I am a character. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear saying what I realize/see and understand due to fearing a problem with other people that can lead to a fracture in the relationship.
I realize, see and understand that I am a character if I fear, think and feel - I am here, Loosing something is an illusion, I cannot loose myself and loose something that has never been mine. Only ego suffers with the lose. Everything is here as me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear being alone and to fear that others see the real expression of myself because the the expression of myself cause conflicts and others get mad when I show them reality facts. 
I realize/see/ understand that if I fear, hide and doubt I am being a character.

I commit myself to investigate and face characters so I can de-program them and So, Free myself and Stand as life.

I commit myself to show that the needs/wants and desires to be validated and accepted is a sign of being a character.

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