sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

Day # 44 - My Intolerant Character towards certain people

My intolerant Character towards certain people. 
I Have just read a post of a Catholic person criticizing animals. Defending his point of view in relation to his likes and dislikes about having animals in the house.

I reacted and laughed inside me cause how he can be a 'God-Loving-Person' and he doesn´t consider animals, feeling repulsion and not tolerating hair, barks, noises, comfort etc.

I have reacted to this kind of people of my life cause I don´t understand how they fill their mouths saying/speaking 'God-Prayers, words and deeds' when they are not in fact living  that.

Cool point to expand and investigate -cause since the starting point of 'Everyone and Everything is Yourself' this situation can relate to me also - when I am just writing and writing and not living the Corrections. 
So, I would not have reacted to that words before observing me within what he said. Isn´t it?
Because the only thing that matter is Here. And I am firstly correcting me here within myself, and with self-honesty I have to observe and accept that if I react is because is a separation there.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in reactions and inner conflicts due to this intolerant character I act every time I hear people that doesn´t agree with what I do and what I say. I realize that I react due to the ego´s of the mind - only the mind reacts and places you as special infront others - so, accepting and allowing separation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to get angry and play as an intolerant character infront of people that doesn´t act like me and so placing  me as trying to impose my point of view upon others - the point of view that I define as valid.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to play within the polarities of valid and invalid, positive or negative - participating in this energetic reactions inside me of positive if people agree with me and negative if people disagree with me placing me within a defence mechanism trying to search in my mind an speech to leave them 'speechless' and so placing  me as better than others, and justifying this with the 'Good-person-Character' behaviours - saying that I do this for a good cause.
I realize I am accepting and allowing in myself  separation - in me and with others as myself - and so feeding the same violence and intolerant system that is not changing anything in the world but just staying the same because we prefer fighting and talking instead of acting and moving to have a world that is best for All.

I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to realise/see and understand the words that Jesus said 'if you are free of any sin, throw the first stone' that is the same as 'not observing you within what you react to face yourself' - which I did, I reacted and throw the first stone instead of observing me within that words and correct me in that.

I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to see/realize and understand that I  react upon certain people because I am still separated from the point they are representing.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react instead of investigating before saying a word in separation of myself that information within myself.

So, within self-honesty I am this Intolerant Character acting and expressing as one and equal  as a mind system.

I realise, see and understand that I can´t criticize or judge others 'cause I am equally responsible for what they are representing and for which I am reacting.

Whenever I see myself reacting and acting as this intolerant character - I stop, I breathe and I see myself within the words they are expressing in which I am reacting and in self-honesty I face myself and I apply the self-forgiveness accordingly and I correct myself within that to stop the creation of more separation and abuse.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel powerful due to the information and knowledge, I realise that this is caused by the ego of the mind.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the information and knowledge as a weapon against others so I can  make me feel  special, powerful, Instead of assisting and supporting others in equality and oneness to walk and work in a way that is best for All.

I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to realise, see and understand that when I am acting this intolerant character towards others I am one and equal with the same abuse; I mean there are not levels; not because I am intolerant to abusers that make a 'good person' or a person that is not doing the same.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to act as a 'good-person- character' at my convenience and in my secret mind I am the polarity - the abuser - so I am within this playing in polarities, in energy and so one and equal to the system of abuse - So, Why I am complaining.

I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that I am also intolerant towards animals when they do something I define as bad and so, I am nor more or less that an animal abuser - I am one and equal.

So, I forgive myself that I haven´t had humility to accept and allow I am one and equal responsible and the same as others I am intolerant to. 
So, I commit myself to have Humility within myself to see me instead of pointing fingers, so investigating within myself in what I am reacting to face that and apply the self-forgiveness, the self-corrective application to free me from that abuse.

2011 - When Realizations Become EGO

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