I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the emotion of shame.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel shame within and as myself when I compare myself with others based in the memories and images I have in my head related to my past.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live as an image and as a memories - living out here in the physical every time I am with others or within and as myself comparing me with my mind. I realise, see and understand how I am separating myself, compromising myself and establishing self-dishonesty within and as myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define me as something different as someone not able and less than - establishing and participating in self-diminishment within and as myself - and that´s how I act out this character of shame towards others.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use a character with which I can manipulate the physical reality and me as the physical - so I can adjust to the system so I can be accepted within and as the Matrix that is abusing life in the physical in every breath.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to realise, see and understand that I manipulate me, in such a way that I create a character - which is the shame I feel within and as me - so, I can distract myself from standing as oneness and equality - to face me and the reality that is here and so correct myself in the moment.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create characters to capture the expression I am as life by desires and needs to be accepted and valued as a mind- consciousness system - and not as what I really am as Life.
So, this character I have created since the starting point of fear is limiting me and suppressing me as the physical expression that I am here as Life.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be here. moving in the physical, within my daily activities and access to my mind C. systems so I can have a base or an example of how to express myself.
I realise, see and understand that I am accessing knowledge and information so I can guide myself and prevent repeating the same point where I feel ashamed within and as myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to ask for permission and acceptance to my mind in order to be, to live, to behave here in my physical reality. Instead of expressing myself within and as the physical and stopping me to repeat a character that is creating abuse, separation and dishonesties.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a character in order to protect me from the reality without understanding, seeing and realizing I am establishing, believing and participating in the idea that I have to protect myself from the reality due to my memories and past experiences where I experienced shame within and as me.
I see, realize and understand that 'shame' is a system pre-programmed within and as myself, Is not who I am.
I am not a mind-system
I express myself in every moment o every breath. I stand as Self-Expression. I am here as self-expression. Expressing myself without dependencies, permissions of any kind - doing What is Best for All in every Action.
I am going back in my life-time to investigate characters - the ones I have created to separate myself from life.
So, I started to look within and as my childhood and one of the characters I created, accepted within and as myself was that one that felt ashamed due to the situations of insecurity I lived among people in my school years.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel ashamed within and as myself due to the situation I lived in the school where my friends used to call me with names in relation to my physical body and the result of that was the creation of the ashamed character where I felt embarrassed within and as my body.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel ashamed/embarrassed with my body caused my the words my classmates used to call me and define me.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in shame when I have to stand up infront of my classmates due to the feeling I have of embarrassment within and as myself in relation to my body so thinking that when I am standing up I have to pull my sweater down to cover my body.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see myself in images within and as my mind of me fat and ugly when I stand up of my chair infront of my classmates and people in general, thinking and believing they were going to laugh at me.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to cover myself with my clothes - using my sweater all day at school caused by the fears and the shame I had within and as myself in relation to my physical body, instead of being here, stopping those images and thoughts in my mind. I realise I am the living memory of the past where I was ridiculed and criticized by my other classmates in my other school.
So, I am not my memories, I let go my memories.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to suppress me within and as the mind due to past experiences and memories. I stand here as common sense and I express myself within and as simplicity. I am self-expression.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to say within myself as a back-chat that is not easy to forget. I realise that´s my mind that doesn´t want to let go the ego and the energy that those moments are within and as myself.
I am here and I am not defined by my past. I am not shame. I am not a character.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel ashamed within and as myself due to define me and compare me with images and with other people within my world that I define and believe are better than me.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate and to be one and equal to my feelings of shame towards myself that when I look in the mirror I feel embarassment and shame by being who I am. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to look me in the mirror and see me as the mind within and as a feeling, and emotion.
When I look myself at the mirror I see myself with my physical eyes, stopping any inner-movement within and as myself. I am self- acceptance. I accept myself as life.
I realise that for me to express myself I don´t need the permission of my mind. I don´t need to access in thoughts, and desires and wants - I just express myself in simplicity. I am not fears. I am not limitation, I am not my memories. I am here.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe everything the others used to call me. I realise I accepted and allowed myself to believe this due to my insecurities due to my desires and wants to be accepted - by others - and not by myself first.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed in myself separation and dishonesty towards myself due to believing in others and not in myself in equality and oneness.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed in myself through my life - beliefs, and ideas of me being different from others due to my physical body. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself within and as my past, bringing the past here to allow self-abuse - not realizing that those situations are not existent anymore here as myself. But I realise that due to my acceptance and allowance I have integrated and crystallized those systems within and as myself. But, I realise that these systems as memories within and as myself are not real.
I don´t accept this to sabotage my life and myself here as life.
So, I commit myself to be here within and as equality and oneness and standing as self-honesty to stop this deliberate self-abuse towards myself.
I realise I am here as myself and I don´t accept and allow in myself embarrassment and shame of being who I am as life, or as systems due to accepting and allowing this separation since my childhood. I am not regret, and I don´t judge myself
I am here and I commit myself to re-create me as someone that stands as equality and oneness, first within and as self and so within All the existence.
So, Whenever I see myself participating in the Ashamed Character - I stop, I take a deep breath and I bring myself back here and I realize me as the physical where anyone and anything can harm me or limit me - even me.
I stop abusing myself validating past memories, images in my mind, words as back-chats pre-programmed within and as myself
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to enter into conflict and inner energetic movements when I am without Internet participating in worries, in impatience in thoughts, emotions and feelings, and so participating in this anxious character within and as me. Instead of being here and stand as self-patience. Breathing here and moving myself as and in the physical to step out of my mind. I realize I am not a character but I act it cause I believe I am my mind.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise and understand that I have been a living a lot in my mind and so not taking in consideration myself within and as my reality, so I have been wasting breaths - Instead of being here as participating here as the physical and living instead of surviving, enjoying and accepting myself in every breath.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am a mind -consciousness system and thinking, believing and feeling I am real as the mind, when In fact being as the mind I am not real, I am just pretending. Instead of being here, breathing, bringing me back here within and as my reality to assist and support myself to step out of my mind and as a character.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in postponing, instead of actually doing, I realize that If I think I waste myself in that participation instead of standing and doing the things I have to in the moment.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise and understand - and actually living it - that when I am in my mind thinking before doing something, accesing into images and pictures in my head I drown as and within my mind and I actually don´t do nothing.
I stop thinking before moving myself, I act. I move, I direct myself within and as the physical.
Whenever I see myself participating in the postponing character - I Stop, I breathe, I step out of my mind - I go out of my thoughts, images, pictures and I move, I stand to actually and practically DO what I have here in my reality.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the tasks I have to do with boredom, with images of me missing important things, due to being in the activity.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in desires and wants of distract myself - thinking and believing that when I am busy doing my tasks I will miss something important.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see, connect, define the obligations I have within and as myself with feelings, and emotions of boredom, of wants to postpone them cause I´ll miss something.
I realise, see and understand that the obligations I have within and as myself are to build me as a person that do what is best for all and those obligations are activities and tasks I enjoy doing but is the mind the one that distracts me from here and from doing what I enjoy as self-movement,
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to let my mind take control over me and distract me like 'honey to the bees' - so Instead of me Directing Myself and moving within and as the physical I accept and allow that substance to distract me and to be within and as my mind as wasting and as separation, dishonesty and irresponsability.
I don´t accept this anymore, I stop, 'Till here no further
Whenever I see myself participating in my mind in tiredness, in the procrastinator character - I stop, I breathe, I place myself here as the physical and I move myself to move my body, my hands, the totality of me as the physical to knit, to clean my house, to walk outside with my dogs.
I am self-Movement, I am Practicality.
I stop participating in my mind in thoughts, and images of me doing things - anticipating things - NO! I move, I stand as self-movement, and I take my tools to knit and I accept and allow self-enjoyment here.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel insatified within and as myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel insatisfaction when seeing my life thinking that I must be doing something else within my life.
Instead of being here within and as the physical stopping with common sense and self-responsability any and every energy movement that surges within and as me that are the consequence of giving power to my mind as egos and also in participating as energy.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think That I must be doing something else within and in my life and this come when I observe how others live and I participate in back-chats as questions: 'Aren´t you supposed to do this ot that?', ' I have these years and I am still at this stage', 'I wanted more in my life' - Instead of being here within and as self-attention to see and observe any reaction and energy movement that is causing separation within and as me.
Whenever I see myself observing to others lives and participating in comparisons and insatisfactions - I stop, I breathe, I bring myself back here and I observe me with my physical eyes and I realise, see and understand this mind-ego-games are just here to distract me and to feed my consciousness
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to compare my life with how others live their life - because I observe they follow this patterns - which I define as normal, and I am not following them.
So, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel that I am doing 'wrong' within and as my life taking in consideration other´s life's examples so, accepting and allowing self-diminishment
Instead of being here when observing and being in contact with my reality and other´s reality - I realise, see and understand the situations within me and others lives are different but this is not a cause to feel I am doing something wrong within mine or comparing mine with others etc.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to compare my current life and reality with the past, with memories of my past - which I define as better than my present. I realise, see and understand that time only exists in my mind - establishing separation
I see, realise and understand everything is here within and as me - anything is fragmented in images, parts of time as present, past and future. I am here and I exists here as always.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise and understand that I am defining myself as the mind and separating me within and as the physical reality to see and realise that Everything is here within and as myself.
I realise that I have changed my starting point due to participating in mind illusions - thinking and believing that I am different now from the past - that I have changed - but I have changed as the mind - within and as the physical I remain the same.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in self-diminishment, I realize/see and understand that this is part of the egos of the mind and me as life has nothing to do with egos.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel angry and desperate because although I know all that I feel and think is part of the mind I am still participating in it and I still feel it. I realise/see and understand my pattern of rushing and wanting to see a proof within myself to validate me and my process and the pattern of still giving power to my mind so still believing I am energy.
I realise see and understand that I am participating in mind possessions due to observing my process based on proofs and desires and needs to see myself changed Instead of being here, participating within and as the phsycal in every breath I take - stopping me as aTENSION of the mind.
I walk and I move myself as the physical - letting me flow as breath within and as my reality
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel that I am faking this process cause I am not seeing a change within me and within my life.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowing myself to feel like I am pretending when I am not changing in fact , so within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the failure character - I see, realise and understand I am here, I am walking this as myself and no one is here rushing me but me as my mind. I realise that me as the mind is possessed by the idea that I have to see and notice a change - as a validation measure for me.
Whenever I see myself participating in this behaviours and patterns - I stop, I breathe and I bring me back here and I walk through my day as the breath here I stand as self-honesty, self-responsability and common sense.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give power to images in my mind/perceptions of how my life must be - Does a rule must exist to compare myself in order to that? No, only my mind as egos is the only rule and limitation that exists within and as myself and distracting me from what is really practical and important - which is me as life.
I realise, see and understand this pattern of mine of comparing myself constantly and continuosly to seek validation and to wait for a proof in others, or in the outside in order to feel secure within and as myself
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel insecure within and as myself in relation of how I do things.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in back-chat as excuses and justifications to validate myself as the mind. Such back-chats are:
" I am the one living like this", " no one else have this or that" which are back-chats I use to validate others and diminish myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel ashamed of my life and by the way I am cause I don´t see anyone else doing the same as me in this moments - being here instead of being outside having fun.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect having fun with going out of my house and having a lot of friends, or going out taking pictures of my social life and posting them on the facebook in order to feel complete and to fullfill that desire of seeing my life as 'normal' and satisfied.
I see, realise and understand that desires, needs and wants - that energy movements inside me are part of the ego of the mind which searches for polarities, energy movements, reactions, frictions to feed itself.
I bring myself back - here , I breathe and I see my life with the eyes of the physical and I stand here as Thankfulness of what I have here within and as myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the polarity of insatisfaction and satisfaction - not realising is a mind-game and this state is part of my mind-egos which is not who I am here.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect my current life with insatisfaction and participating in desires/wants/needs to change my current life and make it it see as similar as others live´s
Whenever I see myself participating in insatisfactions, in thoughts, and beliefs, opinions, comparing my life with others and following desires/needs and wants - I stop, I breathe, I bring myself back to my physical where I see everything in Equality and Oneness as myself. I stand as Life, as Simplicity. I am thankful of what I have here. I realise that only the mind searches for ' the more' - which is a polarity and a mind-ego-game which I created to distract myself from what is here , from what is required to be done.
I stand as Self-Responsability and I move myself as the physical in order to equalise myself with everything that is here as equality and oneness.
I stand as Common sense to see with my phsyical eyes what is HERE as myself and so stopping searches and distractions in order to separate me from myself
So, I have been observing this character within myself and is taking a step foward to work with it within these days ... hehe.
The article taking about Animal Fetishism and also this Dutch female artist that make toys and articles killing animals have been a trigger point within myself to participate in anger, sadness etc. I have written a lot of SF related to this and the day I read that article I end my day watching a movie that make me go into possession in relation to this points also.
Here I am sharing my Self-Forgiveness about all these....
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in anger and in sadness when I see within the media animal abuse where I feel this desire and wants of making to the abusers the same things they do to animals to make them see what they are doing.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise and understand that I am equally responsible as the ones I define as 'the abuser' and I am also equal and one to them. I realize they are my alter-egos - I create them due to participating in mind polarities in placing myself as the protector as the rescuer so the opposite has to be created for me to have this systems in me.
So I commit myself to stop polarities within myself so I an stop creating 'alter-egos' within and as me in this world.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand that I cannot say a word 'cause I am responsible for the abuse caused outside in the world - is hypocritical that I place myself as a character that protects animal rights when I am accepting and allowing inequalities within me such as laziness, procrastination, anger. I realise that I am part of the problem and not part of the practical solution.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself I see/realise/understand that I create this character that rescues animals based on fears and this needs and desires to protect - I realise that it would not be necessary to protect any one and anything living in a system that sees and take care for everyone within and as equality and oneness. The mind produces danger for everyone as life because it has polarities and back-doors, such as choices.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel anger towards the whole humanity for the abuse accepted and allowed towards animals, nature, human beings also without realising the way I participate in the same patterns and behaviours that feeds the system we have now so in creating this character that rescues animals I am just assisting the mind C. systems and not life as what Life really entails and it is - due to accepting and allowing these emotions and feelings that gives 'life' to this character without realising the reality but just realising the reality as the mind.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand the abuse I inflict on and towards life when I accept and allow to create a character that is supporting the Mind C. Systems as fears, needs, desires, insecurities.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand the dishonesties, the separation and the abuse I am creating by defining myself as this character that is against animal abuse and that is supporting animal rights without realising how I create this alter-egos that are acting - as in the movies - as the contrary part of myself and in such polarity I am feeding and supporting the abuse, the reality that I reject and resist. So I realise I am not different I am equal and one with the abuser and so I am responsable.
So as Equally Responsible I commit myself to stop this polarity game as my Mind C. Systems and be here as my physical in the physical assisting and supporting myself with writing, self-forgiveness and corrective applications to stop this and all characters I have created by believing I am the mind
So, Me as Equally Responsible I stop within and as myself these characters - the bad and the good as myself so they can be a danger to Life.
I realise I establish situations of danger and the opposite which is the same line by participating in my mind
I commit myself to step-out this characters so I can honor life for real.
I commit myself to stop myself as the animal rescuer character that is not supporting common sense and equality and oneness.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think before doing the tasks I have to do - like for example waking up at the time I scheduled for myself today to go out and go with my cousin to give him the crochet-dolls he asked me to do - allowing and accepting back-chats/thoughts in relation to follow my desires to stay at home and changing all the plan I have due to having as my starting point; laziness and tiredness.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe in laziness and tiredness and so use this systems as a back-door/possibility to postpone the things I commit myself to do within my day.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe and 'act-out' the lazy character within my life as a method to evade certain situations and experiences in my life - as a protection against physical resistance I have accepted and allowed within and as myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist physical movement - participating in tiredness/apathy/laziness.
I see/realize and understand that this is the consequence of my deliberate participation in my mind and the acceptance of having the mind as my directive principle, instead of being me the Directive Principle and living the discipline as my starting point within every breath.
I realize/see and understand that If I think my mind will give me possibilities, back-doors as back -chats to evade things and 'make-up-my mind' within situations and tasks I have to do. So I Stop my participation in thoughts as ways to hide and evade my reality.
When and as I see myself participating in thoughts - I stop, I breathe and I clear myself. I bring my participation here to the physical and I continue walking as me here in simplicity, in oneness and equality as life - as discipline, as response-ability, in certainty, In the moment as breath.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in my mind as thoughts in relation to wake up and start my day instead of participating as my physical, as substance, as here and so moving myself as an expression - moving as the physical body - moving myself to complete the tasks I have to do and complete within my day.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise and understand that in participating in my mind when and while I am walking during my day I am separating myself in thoughts, feelings and emotions and so accepting and allowing back-chats, back-doors, the possibility to sabotage myself and fall in the same patterns, behaviours and characters I have created to evade my reality and myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel less than in the moment of talking with my cousin and forgetting about certain words that was giving context to the conversation.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel dumb and thinking my cousins were laughing at me in their minds.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to observe/understand/realize that I was accessing information and knowledge with my mind - so not being here as myself,as the words I was communicating.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate within polarities such as inferiority and superiority - I realize it was me that I define the situation as my insecurities and fears and I realize/see and understand that only my mind as egos 'feel' inferior or takes something personal.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define me as not effective and intelligent as others - feeling that others make me aside due to the way I communicate and behave. I realize that this fears and insecurities are pre-programmed within myself from past experiences and I am participating in memories and so in mind-time = bringing the past to here. The memories is not who I am and so I let them go and I live here as who I am as equality and oneness.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to limit my expression due to past memories where I define myself according to the feelings, emotions, thoughts, ideas, and perceptions that I used to define myself due to words others used to tell me - making negative -and also positive -reference to the way my clothes were, to the way my physical body was.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live in memories - accessing all the time to the memories I have of myself within and as the past - believing that I am the same according to the Mind C.Systems, I realize, see and understand that who I am is not related/defined to memories and so I am here one and equal to life not defined by memories - of past, present and future -, I am not defined by systems -such as emotions, feelings, thoughts of myself and of others towards myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define me as the one and equal to that girl from the past - so participating in my reality and at the same times in memories, thoughts, feelings and emotions from the past - and so letting them to be the 'judge' of my movements, my looks,, my words - so limiting my expression with memories of the past = not letting me be and express the way I am here as life in every moment of every breath
Today I participated again in the same pattern of turmoil and anxiety due to time. Establishing some situations I have to deal in my reality as a trigger point that open-up these systems. And some of these due to distracting in other things and thinking and believing that 'I have time' then, I realize the time is over me and so, I participate in that turmoil...I again tensed and pushed myself within anxiety to complete the things I have to do - I perceive myself as slow and I react towards this so much.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define/believe/perceive me as slow when I am doing things and so I believe and also I feel I don´t have the enough time within my day and this is then the starting point within me to start participating in anxiety and pressure over me. Instead of being here participating in my physical in equality and oneness with everything that is here as me.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe and feel myself as slow when I am doing house-chores, or when I am doing other things - I realize, see and understand is my mind egos that are arising to distract me from here, from my reality and so use me to feed mind systems within and as energy reactions and conflicts.
Whenever I see myself participating in anxiousness due to time - I stop, I Breathe, I calm down, I clear myself and I Bring my participation back to the physical embracing everything as me. So I can walk in real-physical-time and not as the mind-time - that is timing my expression.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to see/realize and understand how I have been compromising me as life-expression due to following and participating the 'mind timing/measure/beating.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to see/realize and understand how in following the mind I am measuring my self and so defining me as a mind consciousness system that is limited by time.
I see, realize and understand that me as an expression of life has no time/measure
I only follow, I am, I participate in the beat/rhythm of life - that is the Breath of Life.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that my breaths - and me as life - are not limited to a measure of time and so,
Whenever and as I see myself participating in hurries within the mind - I stop, I breathe, I clear myself and I return me into the physical - I stand as self-attention and I embrace everything I am doing as me - I am here as the tools I take to clean the house, to write in my notebook etc.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in thoughts as distractions of what I am doing in the physical.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think 'I don´t have time' and 'I´ll not finish this in time' while I am knitting or translating, instead of being here as the tools I am using to knit and to translate as me
Whenever I see myself participating in these thoughts - I stop, I take a deep breath so I can slow myself and bring my participation here as my physical and the physical reality that is here as oneness and equality within and as myself - so I walk in real-physical-time - breath by breath.
So, I see with my physical eyes, and I touch and live with my physical human body here.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to see/realize and understand that I create and establish this character that hurries all the time due to distractions and the pattern of giving value to things that are not practical in my reality and I spend my time as life in considering separation within myself - so if I stand as self-responsability I´ll realise/see that time is not a trigger point for me to worry and to abuse myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed in myself the point of time as a trigger point within myself that opens up inner conflicts and reactions such as hurries, worries, impatience, intolerance - that are polarities that generates and creates energy that is abusing me as life constantly and continuously.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to compromise me within mind time - timing myself instead of working and doing things one breath at a time - so I can stand as certainty, as self-responsability with me and with all so, no space for 'waiting' and 'posponing' that leads me to hurry and worry --- so allowing and accepting the same patterns over and over again although I know the consequences.
I commit myself to stop this character that hurries all the time.
I commit myself to stop distractions and to only value practical things within my world and myself - practical points that assist me and support me within and as What is best for all Life.
These days I have been without Internet connection - I don´t know what happened...
The Internet connection is not mine, is from my neighbours that 'nicely' let me to connect through their signal.
And well, these days I was unplugged from this 'world' and I participated in a lot of worries and thoughts - which I have been directing through writing and breathing - writing in my notebook to follow this journey...
The Characters I saw --was the ones that I recognize very well; the fears, the thoughts, the imaginations and the worries, and throwing me into 'drama'. I am yes, a dramatic character indeed when something is not the way I want.
Today I saw the Internet signal available and well, I´ll write here the context of all of which I have been experiencing these days; all these like a summary.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to panic when I don´t have Internet access at home - participating in sadness and in worries when I noticed I was unplugged and without having the opportunity to be plugged and to write in my blog and check my social communities which lead me to blame the system and so the life I have in which I don´t have the money to contract an Internet service for my own and so being without any worries on this matter - instead of being here directing myself in the physical and breathing. I see, realize and understand I don´t 'win' anything making a drama and a tantrum which are just mind egos and a way to abuse myself as life.
Whenever I see myself participating in these tantrums I direct myself in the physical with the breath and I bring my participating back here to myself and I walk as simplicity and common sense.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in drama/tantrums when something in my reality is not happening as the image and perception I have in my mind, so these leads me to participate in energy reactions and inner-conflicts and so I manifest abuse and separation.
Whenever I see myself participating in these energy reactions I stop, I direct myself and I stand as self-responsability and common sense and I stop.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand the character I am personifying when I don´t have what I want/desire due to mind images and pictures which is the one I appeal when I was a child when I wanted something and due to these tantrums I always obtain what I wanted from others and so, these character are pre-programmed and induced due to self-interest and mind egos so I can have what my mind dictated me due to wishes/desires/wants.
So; I realize, see and understand how I have created this characters to get what I want due to mind egos and self-interest.
And so, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have as a trigger point the Internet connection to manifest/create/participate in characters that are just feeding abuse and separation within me instead of being here as the physical and common sense to see, realize and walk the reality-situations in equality and oneness and so, remain here as life to walk and stand as Simplicity.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in inner-conflicts when I don´t have Internet access thinking and believing that I cannot do another thing or t asking myself what I would do without my Internet access - wasting time and breaths in the mind - so compromising life to a tool that is here to support me and to assist me instead of creating a conflict for me. So I realize and understand the pattern of obsessing myself with things that are near me.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to see/realize and understand that by participating in systems as obsessions I am separating me from myself and so from others and from all that is here as myself - I am so, compromising life by defining all/everything and everyone through the mind
So, Whenever I see myself placing things as more than me - and so entering in the obsessed character - I stop; I breathe; I direct myself in the physical and I calm myself. I walk and breath by breath I live.
I realise, see and understand how my mind as me creates relationships with all, everything and everyone due to insecurities and the separation I have allowed within and as myself.
So I see and face the character that obsesses with all that is here to suck energy and so feed myself as Mind C systems.
I am here as Everything, As Everyone As ALL - ONE - everything is me and all is here as me.
So I commit myself to move myself as the physical in my reality to see/face that I in every moment I have things to do - but not as separation - but as a realization that everything in the physical need my intervention to make things for what is best for all life.
I am here as Self-Direction and I continue walking here - no matter what happens so,
I commit myself to continue writing and directing myself even I don´t have Internet in my house - I commit myself to write and direct myself no matter my mind.
Indeed was a great assistance to read the blogs "Looking for More of Myself " from Heaven´s Journey to Life and "Stepping out of Character" from the Creations Heaven Journey.
Through reading the Heaven´s Journey to Life I see myself in that - searching and seeking for more.
I used to observe my life and I participated in those questions: "¡There´s has to be more than this!", ¡There has to be MORE! and that´s why I participated in Metaphysics, Spirituality, Reiki, Kryon. I wanted to find out Why? I never understood/saw/realize that I was the Why!! I was the answer!! So, cool!
And the next blog about Characters was so cool - I faced myself and I am observing which characters I am performing to protect my ego -- Why I am still doing this?
And yes, I have been observing how the ego fears to not be validated and not being recognized as the mind. Fearing to be alone.
Today, in Mexico we are voting for a President and I have seen the comments on Facebook and I see the same ' pattern' --not realizing that we as individuals are responsible and not only a person - we have created that - as the Creations H. Journey to Life says - we have created God´s, beings and human beings that has to take care and resolve all our mess to wash our hands.
Is what I realized in my yesterday´s blog - I am the a Creator and in that 'easyness' I create/manifest and the way I participate and define myself as the systems I can stand and change - cause it is 'easy' for me to think, to feel, to participate - and so abuse - and is seen as difficult for me to Stop and so Stand as Responsability.
So, in that 'easyness' I can breath, and Stand and Change!!
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to not realize/see/understand that in the very action, want and need to be validated by external situations and beings I am creating and being a character and so I am separating myself and abusing the life within me.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to not realize/see/understand that when I fear conflict and I fear others leave me alone because of who I am I am a character and not life - not a living being, but only a Mind C. System acting and performing itself continuosly until I stop and I realize that these is separation and abuse towards me and all that are here as one and equal to myself.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to create another personality to avoid being alone and so I can have other people around me, so to be something else than me to be accepted - I am a character that is not considering me as life in any way whatsoever.
I realize, see and understand that when I create something to be validated, to avoid something I am separating me from myself and so being dishonest and assisting and supporting the systems of abuse within and as this world - for the human being, nature and the animal kingdom.
I forgive myself that I haven´t accepted and allowed myself to realize/see and understand that If I fear conflict between someone I consider as a 'friend' and me - I am a character.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear saying what I realize/see and understand due to fearing a problem with other people that can lead to a fracture in the relationship.
I realize, see and understand that I am a character if I fear, think and feel - I am here, Loosing something is an illusion, I cannot loose myself and loose something that has never been mine. Only ego suffers with the lose. Everything is here as me.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear being alone and to fear that others see the real expression of myself because the the expression of myself cause conflicts and others get mad when I show them reality facts.
I realize/see/ understand that if I fear, hide and doubt I am being a character.
I commit myself to investigate and face characters so I can de-program them and So, Free myself and Stand as life.
I commit myself to show that the needs/wants and desires to be validated and accepted is a sign of being a character.